Firstly we want to say THANK YOU if you shopped small with us this Christmas, or even if you chose to shop small with any small or local business! For 2024, we saw some recording-breaking, mind-blowing numbers and they wouldn't be possible without our brilliant retail partners, our talented makers and our curious customers.
As many creative entrepreneurs will understand, Christmas is often the lifeline for the future of their business. With shoppers everywhere on a mission to find unique gifts for loved ones, makers work day and night to ensure beautiful products make it under the tree.

This year was a record-breaking Christmas, with 48% of our the year’s total sales happening in November and December alone. We represented the biggest number of makers to date across the most Curated Makers stores we’ve ever run and even threw a Curated Makers Christmas Market in the mix. Not only are we blown away by the numbers, but by the gorgeous feedback we received from customers and their eagerness to support independent makers.
Although 2023 saw many face financial challenges, we are so grateful that shoppers still chose to spend their money wisely and shop with soul during the festive season. This Christmas we were blown away by some incredible numbers, so we wanted to share them with you...

With each year only getting better, we are very excited to see what 2024 will bring. Numbers like these have added fuel to our fire to find even more amazing high street opportunities for small businesses and spaces for customers to shop with soul and discover their new favourite treats!
Happy New Year!
The Curated Makers team